2020 now and i’m not willing to give this site up. if you’re reading this, please excuse my self-indulgency and welcome to my little corner of the web.
i’ve had this site in various incarnations since 2001, and on its own URL since 2003. the last few years i’ve thought it was just sentimentality that kept me renewing the domain, as i hadn’t posted anything in years. but, here we are, 2019, and i want to come back.
hello, i’m andrea hull. in no particular order, i am an unemployed librarian, a mama to two girls, a former web monkey, a Bryn Mawr and UCLA graduate, a polyglot, an intermittent wearer of gorgeously bulky platform shoes, a knitter and spinner and general fiber arts junkie, a former papermaker assistant, born and raised in Maryland, have lived in Pennsylvania, Vermont, California, Sicily, Umbria, Moscow, forty-one, a woman with lots of dreams, Pisces, 5’3”, with hair that started greying in my 20s, a craftsy person, and unfortunately in posession of a fairly mecurial mood but trying to fix/understand/etc that. currently, i’m living in japan but plan on returning to la paz, bolivia soon and then back to japan sometime after and so on for the next decade at least. we’ll see.
these ‘about’ pages are always ridiculously outdated almost as soon as they are posted and anyhow miss 85% of what makes you, you. still, it’s something. so.