about – late 2006
in journal
in journal
in journal
it was filled – just filled to the brim. there were a few key things missing, but still, i feel terribly lucky to have such good friends and to continue to meet and get to know better super interesting people.
in journal
1) replying to emails
2) one local summer posts
3) laundry
4) posting four book reviews
5) finishing up crinkle and urban aran already – one needs some ribbon, the other needs a zipper
6) organizing bills
7) finding out where my tax return has gone, sigh
in journal
five six times today, so i’m going to make it quick. liz has extended the idea of the ‘eat local challenge’ month to dedicating one meal a week to be just local food throughout the summer. of course, i signed up – and you can too, it’s never too late. i just barely made this week’s deadline, with a simple hearty breakfast yesterday morning-ish. everything was local except for the bread and feta. though both were locally made, i doubt the ingredients were local; also, the salt, pepper and olive oil weren’t local. there was a bunch more strawberries before the pictures were taken – they were just too good, i just kept thinking ‘ohhh, just one more..’
in journal
i’ve been trying to find more graphic novels to read – and i’d read the original persepolis and thought it was good. this was even a bit better in some ways – more realistic –