field trip


so today was the big ale trip to my workplace. i was pretty nervous but also really excited. i think it went really well – yay! i had different tables set up with examples of old punch-tape which the archives used to use to record metadata in the 70s, with old catalogues the archives has produced over the years, and other tables with snacks, and examples of bad mylar tapes stock and acetate tape and just all kinds of archives info everywhere. it was a small but really enthusiastic group and i (finally!) got to meet all at once a group of interesting and smart fellow lib. school people. not that i haven’t met such people already but it’s been just a trickle, literally 4 or 5 people in the past five months. partially i know that’s due to my always rushing in to class from traffic or out of class to work. but today i just got to talk and talk and listen and laugh, and all about libraries and archives. it was a lot of fun!..

i have a big theory paper due for my archives class on friday and i have yet to begin it. ay. it’s scary to just type the words much less contemplate what that means in actual fastly-approaching work for me.

last night, during a procrastinating binge, i wrote some code so that i could more easily post these messages and automatically move the now-old ones onto the past messages page. so that’s good news. but i still have to add security measures (cause it’s fun. not cause anyone who actually reads what i write (all three of you) would want to.)

it’s raining and that automatically makes me pretty happy despite the looming paper, a slight headache, and enormous appetite.


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