Knitting in the Old Way: Designs & Techniques from Ethnic Sweaters

by Priscilla Gibson Roberts & Deborah Robson

though i haven’t read the entire book (and i’ll update this review when i do), just the first two chapters alone, along with the prefaces, fill me with such enthusiasm and pride in the incredible ‘hobby’ i’ve taken to during the last half-year.

here’s a sample paragraph: “”Masterfully handcrafted sweaters from many regions show us… that knitting skills have been badly neglected for generations in this part of the world where industrialization occurred early, most especially in the United States. Printed patterns and incomprehensible written instructions (i.e. “knitter-ese”) replaces intuitive deisgn skills and a thorough understanding of technique. A once simple and delightful craft has become enshrouded in elaborate line-by-line instructions – enough to daunt the most skillful knitter while thoroughly intimidating the novice.” (p. 19)

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