crisis averted

i did a little measuring this morning (i woke up an hour early to do this – is there any surer proof that knitting has become quite a priority?) and sure enough, the gauge was exactly 12 stitches in 4” (well, 12 and 1/8.. but basically on) at the beginning but quickly changed to 13 stitches in 4”.

thanks to a suggestion from my great secret pal, i’m going to do the smart thing: re-swatch! yup, tonight. i’ll knit it up on 10 1/2s and then on 11s and then stretch it all out and mist a bit with water and see what happens.

re-measuring the body, it didn’t seem quite so small as it did last night. definitely not as loose as the picture looks but not so bad either. now i’m thinking i could just make the large size sleeves, yoke, and neck, and that might be ok. hmmm. we’ll see after tonight’s already planned events.

in other news, ask jeeves bought bloglines! what does this mean? it’s still unclear though a lot of people assume we’ll start seeing ads on bloglines—irritating to say the least, though many would argue ‘free’ can’t last forever. however, there are always alternatives and, i’m sure, even better alternatives will be cropping up in the unhappy case bloglines gets totally evil. plus, bloglines makes it real easy to export (using OPML) your list of blogs so you can easily switch aggegators if you want to. anyway, for now, bloglines still is the best news aggregator out there.

(btw, this news came from a blog i just stumbled on: it’s edited by a grad student at berkeley’s sims school and “focuses on positive, fair-use and legal examples of peer-to-peer file sharing of works approved by their creators for sharing”. sounds good to me.)

also, just stumbled on this: according to a recent study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 5% of internet users in the u.s. in 2004 used syndication technologies (i.e. rss) to read “news headlines and other content.”

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