what? a finished object?!
in journal
thanks so much to all of you who answered my poll the other day – part of me was very tempted to gift away and/or frog whilst weeping, but i stuck with the winning answer of washy washy washy. and it worked. phew.
this was an easy knit, and i love love lace, but the size problems just proved to me (again! ..wonder if i’ll learn this time!)
and the other pic you see here? yup, my obligatory farmer’s market haul shot. what you see there is $20 worth of food, with the honey and eggs making up $5. not only is all of this locally grown, but for the most part, it’s organic and, in the case of the eggs, cage-free. i’m not doing terribly well on the goal of half of my meals being locally produced, i’m probably more around 25% right now. but my pantry and fridge are almost completely cleaned out,
a few weeks ago, i finally sent off my backtack stuff – yup, weeks and weeks late, but kristin of spinning athena was so sweet and cool about it, thank goodness. and happily she seems to love what i ultimately sent, yay.
and lastly, if you haven’t seen them yet – the new phildar tendances mag is lovely lovely, and all kinds of other knitting previews are up too. and some knitty surprises