not feeling funky

bad bad mood. so i’ll be brief:

1) some people have asked me how i’m coming along on my <a no-fines-unless-i-don’t-really-want-a-wheel. it’s been almost three weeks and in that time my total fines have amounted to.. drum roll, please: twenty-five cents. yup, that makes me smile. i’ve had several very near misses – including forgetting to pay my phone bill (damn electronic bills! i miss paper.) and almost getting my phone disconnected (!), almost getting a parking ticket twice, and general library fine near-misses. phew. it’s hard. and i was pissed i got that 25 cent fine, but really, that’s pretty darn good.

of course i still have five weeks to go. and i’ve just jinxed myself incredibly, sigh.

2) antsy antsy me – i feel like pacing and shivering and groaning and ugh. not happy. maybe part of it is just hunger, though – i’m such a mood monster, if i haven’t eaten lunch yet, i start snapping like a crocodile with sharp sharp teeth (really, are there any other kinds of crocs?) i leave l.a. in six days and, like the whole rest of my family, i tend to stress a bit before leaving for any place, especially since i’m leaving to visit my family. and that’s inherently stressful, as much as i love them. also, my IA class is finishing up and that’s a tad worrisome too – i hate deadlines.

so not to leave a bad taste in your mouths, i’ll try and upload some pretty pics when i get home tonight of a gorgeous bag of goodies joy left for me a few weeks that i just picked up from the ever-so-patient and sweet winnie. these kinds of goodness make me feel like a big old grouchy grouch. thank you!

and thanks on the nice words about orangina – i’m itching to knit more lace and just zone out, know what i mean? i think that’s what i’ll do tonight, and then tomorrow, pull myself up and get back on track with the The Ever-Expanding To-Do List.

(why do i always feel better, even just the teeniest bit, after i post something here, no matter what my mood? always, really. thanks.)

update: damn. of course. just realized four books were overdue by one day – i could have renewed them yesterday but i forgot. so from twenty-five cents, make that $1.00 in fines. what’s the big deal right? chill pill right? no, seriously, library fines are the beginning of a very slipper slope, a gateway drug, etc etc. must repeat: not happy. off to buy yarn for cozy, because that’s how i want to feel right now.

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