long time
in journal
just a few catch-up things:
my project spectrum card arrived a while back and is fabulous – as you can see. thanks jennifer! here’s hoping mine has arrived by now in good condition – i’m worried it may have gotten lost in the mail..
– six days is never enough, and in this case, three of those days were filled with conference-attending. this meant there was a whole bunch of stuff i didn’t get to do – including just chilling out, cooking, meeting up with some great people, driving around & enjoy maryland, etc – so the night before i left i was downright pissed off at myself and cranky as all. ah well.
the conference, however, rocked. a day or so before i left, i started a library blog, which i intend to keep up, and officially blogged the conference, which is a great great way to meet and socialize with other conference attendees/bloggers. i’m so glad i went and i’m really looking forward to internet librarian this fall in monterey – barring any weirdness, i totally intend to go.
i’ve been spinning – and how! – and i also stained my wheel a natural color, i.e. no real stain at all. however, even though i agree logically that darker stains might obscure a little the detail of the wheel, as kitty kitty put it, the darker stains do make the wheel look more “rumpilstiltskin”-y. so! dark i go. let’s hope i don’t regret it
knitting has also been happening. first, just for fun, to see what it looks like, a bit of my first handspun on the minstral, and then, yes, that’s a finished and blocking fair isle bag. yay! and just in time – mj’s norwegian knitalong ends this week and i’m determined to have it seamed, lined, and finished by thursday. i’m pretty happy with my fair isle techniquie, though i’ve steam blocked it like there’s no tomorrow, which helped a lot with odd tensions and such.
and that’s it. in ten weeks i graduate with a masters in library and information studies. in six or seven months, i’m moving somewhere. lots of changes coming – and i have a very bad habit of falling apart and freaking out when change approaches, particularly graduations. as much as possible, i just want to conclude this bit here with as much grace as possible. for now, fiber, books, music, and my cats are keeping me sane.
hope your weekend was beautiful ~