reading up a storm

like last year, i’m participating in the goodreads reading challenge. goodreads, if you don’t know about it, is a free site where you can track the books you’ve read, are reading, will read, as well as read tons of reviews about books, join book clubs, vote on book lists for your favorite books, and basically talk about books ad nauseam. it’s wonderful.

so, back to the challenge. unlike last year, this year i’m determined to meet that challenge. last year, as this year, my challenge was 100 books. oh 2011. sigh. i barely made it to 20 books. for the whole year! i read a few more, for sure, but fluffy ones or cookbooks, books that i don’t count. this year i started out at a 52 book challenge but decided a week or so ago to get back to 100, especially since i was already at 15 books. today? 20 books, and getting ready to start book 21.

i’m trying to go for a mix of books and i’m doing okay so far, except that all but one of the books are fiction, so i gotta get through a bit more non-fiction. otherwise, heavy on the fantasy/science fiction but that’s fine with me, with some mystery, children’s, short stories, comics, and fairy tales thrown in as well. i mean to add some classics, a bit of poetry, and hopefully a biography/memoir as well.

my challenge is posted here and click on the image below to see the covers of all the books as of today.

i’ve missed reading and this year, i’m making it a priority. i have a few other reading-related goals as well, but don’t want to jinx them yet. ;)

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