i have way more notes, pictures, and even a video or two to share from the fabulous judith mackenzie mccuin workshop – i can’t recommend more highly her workshops. i’ll definitely be on the lookout for more, it’s just amazing how much info that woman can pack in a one-day session, much less three.
note: if you’re not a spinner, all this info may be boring as can be. i personally think that’s crazy, but whatever. 
this day has become one of my favorite holidays of the whole year. today’s celebration didn’t consist of a maypole or walking in the streets, but instead a welcoming-summer outing for a couple of hours – just me, mamacat, trouble, and the whole big backyard. they were thrilled – tails twitching and lots of bounding and sniffing all over the place.
wow! had to add: i just saw a pair of enormous birds in the backyard! i can’t tell if they’re hawks or eagles, but they’re BIG and just gorgeous. i’d been hearing them for a while but didn’t think anything beyond, “huh, those are some noisy birds” and then one landed on the deck..! i ran for the camera but they had retreated to the woods already. one keeps calling out distressed-sounding yells, but they both seem to be flying fine and not hurt. i wish i knew more about what kind of birds they are – i wish i could help! but maybe they’re just happy it’s spring and yelling out about that. ! so very exciting, as you can tell by the exclamation marks. love the birds!
..only online though, hence this pictures-less quickie post. i went to florida for a week with my mom, sister, and two of her kids. i’m getting ready for the maryland sheep & wool festival (i got into the comprehensive spinning workshop with judith mackenzie mccuin, yay!) next week. i have tons of mid-progress projects going on, scattered around my room and spreading out to the rest of the house. it’s officially spring out here in maryland. and i’m making plans, oh yes, big plans. no more info because i don’t want to jinx them even more, but oof. !