i was reading this article recently over on alphamom called “what our kids will never understand” (great site, by the way. that one and askmoxie are two i look to when worrying about growth spurts, nursing, etc.)
~ just finished cleaning out my ravelry queue, from 160+ patterns to under 40. woohoooo. and i even tagged all my favorited patterns for future reference. feeling quite accomplished.
yarn can be found just about anywhere you go, but good tools are harder to predictably find. so, i travel just about everywhere with these two little kits. the circular needle case is from ashland bay and my little hippo friend is from clover. i remember these were other animals, like alligator and.. hm, what else? anyhow, mr. hippo was the way to go. (every animal is now mr. or ms. ..i don’t know if that’s a mom thing or what.)
i figure i’ve knitted a new garment for my baby for every month she’s been alive so far. that’s (almost) seven! with a few more in the serious planning stage. (versus my disturbingly long ravelry queue, “serious planning stage” means yarn has been bought and knitting pattern has been read. see? i mean business.)
i love to cook. the mood comes and goes somewhat, but generally i’m cooking something new up every month that i’m excited about. i’m bad at remembering to take pictures of the dishes but i can guarantee that each and every one of these recipes is delicious. approaching the end of this pregnancy, i’m looking to double up and freeze the half we don’t eat so that when the baby comes we won’t be starving and/or ordering take-out every single day. just maybe every other day. 