i’m still working on that longgggg to-do list, and have actually made another, with the first item being “finish online to-do list”.. ah, you know it’s bad when that happens.
yesterday i worked all day, came home and just collapsed for twelve+ hours of sleep. had really strange, and mostly upsetting, dreams the whole time – or what i could remember at least when i woke up this morning. thankfully, the dreams are now all gone from my head and have left only a faint dream-aftertaste.
finally, a whole two days off! i’ve been really busy papermaking, and teaching papermaking, since sunday. when not sloshing around in water, i’m collapsed asleep on my bed. teaching kids is really exhausting! i shouldn’t have been so surprised, but i am – i get back at like six p.m. and by eight thirty max, am passed out.
while i still can’t find a suitable recent pic for the last post, here’s some links that have been building up for so long now:
i don’t know about you, but usually when i see pictures of me when i was little, i don’t really see myself in them most of the time. i kinda remember looking in the mirror and seeing that face long ago, but when i compare it to this face i have now, .. it’s sort of like looking at someone else. i never felt bad about it particularly, it was just that way. shrug. so, the other day i came across this picture taken in front of my 30th birthday cake and it just looked so much like the little me that i see in old photo albums. in both pics, i’m a little embarassed at the attention, but also proud, though i think my younger self was a little better at laughing out the embarassed part. my older self has better dressing style though. 
this last month, or two even, i’ve been posting so much less than i’ve meant to.. it’s been super busy. i’ve been wondering about personal vs. crafty posting yet again. computer issues. camera issues. and now the list of things i have to catch up on posting-wise is getting a tad too scary-long. so, i figure i just gotta sit down, stop worrying & just write. and to make it even easier, bullet points – or, as i prefer, tildes