hi there ~ so much catching up to do! just got back late last night from a week with the family in maryland. since i wasn’t planning on going to the ucla graduation ceremony anyhow, as my graduation present, my parents sent me a plane ticket for a great six day vacation. ..well, i don’t know if family time can ever really be called a vacation.. i love my family, but it’s really a total black hole whenever i visit, it’s just jam-packed with stuff to do, people to see, and i don’t really get to do anything besides family. no complaining, it’s just always amazing that at the end, i’m shaking my head wondering where the week went and why oh why does my body ache? could be all the baby lifting. 
by Neil Gaiman
towards the end, i had the vague feeling that i’d read the book before and had forgotten about it until then. i’m still not sure – after all, it’s a fairy tale that i probably read before, and not necessarily this version by gaiman, but still a bit frustrating. a good story – i like how it bends and twists, though many parts were really predictable.
the illustrations were offputting, mostly – just not my style. but they stuck in my head, forcing my brain to use this image of tristan instead of imagining one, etc etc. hmph. don’t like that.
again, neil gaiman – interesting, some good parts, but overall i’m not super-impressed. what am i not getting about him that makes others just adore him?
hey there ~ yesterday was a lesson in procrastination – my umpteenth one that nope, i didn’t learn yet again. ah well, still got a ton done. not what was at the top of the list, but whatever. i’m still excited about it all because i made cheese! two kinds! so stoked.
hey there ~ i cannot believe 2006 is almost halfway over already. lots to report, but for now the smaller catch-ups and links i’ve been collection, thinking about, occupied with for the last week or so..